I have no idea why; but broccoli gets eaten by the double portions (usually with seconds) here in our home. Not complaining, as broccoli is FULL of good things, and delicious to boot, but it sometimes gets boring using our standard oil, salt&pepper roasted standby. This is a great option to shake things up, but still get them trees into your diet. Views: 0
Tag: broccoli
NAG-free Macaroni and Cheese Royale
Given that we have several smaller children, this recipe is on the menu almost once a week (which is killer for me, lover of variety, but hey, they eat it.) Every once in awhile, we will have guests, or eat mac-n-cheese elsewhere, and the kiddos are always confused about it being different. Views: 11
Hawaiian Inspired Glazed Veggies Stir-Fry
The combo of vegetables and pineapple in this easy stir-fry makes for a colorful sweet-and-sour dish. Views: 5
Keto-fied Ground Beef Divan
Kid Pleasing Dinner. What a wonderful phrase. AND this is one meal the grown-ups will love too! (No guarantees implied.) Views: 1
Bodacious Broccoli Salad
A slightly healthier version of broccoli salad, but absolutely divine. At our house we ALL love ‘trees’ so this never lasts long. It’s better the next day, so make ahead! Views: 3
Sautéed Citrusy Broccoli
Broccoli does NOT requiring boiling before sautéing or stir-frying IF you implement the steaming method. Trapping hot air in the pan is what helps soften the broccoli so it doesn’t just appear cooked on the outside. That’s not to say broccoli won’t cook if not covered, but it may run the risk of burning before becoming sufficiently tender. It’s also important to note that boiling can cause some nutrients to leach out, like vitamin C. (Vitamin C is water-soluble and quite sensitive to heat.) Therefore, sautéing can help vegetables retain some of their more delicate nutrients. Views: 0